About the

Beaver Creek Metropolitan District

The Metro District is responsible for the funding and oversight of streets, water systems, fire, public safety, cable TV and transportation. The board consists of five elected members. A full time manager oversees the management and performance of these services.

Board meetings are generally held on the 4th Wednesday of each month, and are open to the public.

Project Legacy

Our project legacy is designed to propel and maintain Beaver Creek’s status as one of the best resorts of its size in the world. Together with Beaver Creek Resort Company, parts of this plan have already been implemented.


Transparency Notice

Information about the transparency notice is available on our website at the resource center.


Encroachment Agreement

An encroachment agreement is required by the Beaver Creek Metro District for every improvement that a home-owner intends to make to his property that may occur on or within the Beaver Creek Metro District’s easement.


Meet the Board Of Directors

Michael Towler
Term expires: May 2025
Ray Shei
Term expires: May 2027
Mac Slingerlend
Term expires: May 2027
Kevin Hillgren
Term expires: May 2025
David Eickholt
Term expires: May 2025

Contact the
Board of Directors